Saturday, February 27, 2016

Backup of data on the cloud

Various cloud backup solutions are available. Many are free e.g. google drive, dropbox, onedrive etc. These backups give you some free storage google drive 15 gb, dropbox 2.5 gb. You can put your photo , video and other documents here.

When you store on cloud you can access it from your PC and smartphones.
To access from PC you have to download and run the installer from your PC.
It creates a local drive on your hard disk.

You can create folders on these drive or in the drive folder in your PC.

from your software when goto backup. select DRIVE  C and 
USERS folder then your user name and then click on all frim weekly backup or date folder backup

Monday, February 8, 2016

Bad File name or number (Run time error 52) - Hindi

यह error नये इन्स्टोलेशन या PC फोरमेट करने पर आती है

इसे निकालने के दो तरीके हैं
१. windows - temp फोल्डर की security मे सभी युसर को  फुल कन्ट्रोल देकर
२. कन्ट्रोल पेनल - युसर अकौन्ट कन्ट्रोल

१. windows - temp फोल्डर की security मे सभी युसर को  फुल कन्ट्रोल देकर

कोम्पुटर - drive C - Temp फोल्डर को राईट क्लीक करके Prpoerties पसन्द करे . 
Security पसन्द करे . 

           Continue पर क्लीक करे

यहा सब नीचे Users उसे क्लीक करे

यहा फुल कन्ट्रोल allow करके Apply - ok करे

२. कन्ट्रोल पेनल - युसर अकौन्ट कन्ट्रोल

slider को नेवर notify पर ले जाईये

ok  करने के  बाद PC Restart रिस्टर्ट करे 

Bad file name of number ( Run time error 52 )

This error may occur in new installation or if your PC is formated.
You can remove this error by 2 methods.

1. Setting c:\windows\Temp  folder property.
2. Changing the Control Panel - User Account Control settings

1. Setting c:\windows\Temp  folder property.

Open My computer - Drive C - Windows folder - find Temp folder - right click it- select properties - following screen will appear.

Click on Continue
Select Users (it normally has name of your PC.)

select the users it is normally last item. Now it will show it's properties. Click the box of Fullcontrol Allow. It will check mark on all the other boxes automatically. Click on Apply - Ok